i want to find all documents by its first letter.
the case is when i query in mysql then i could do WHERE Stores LIKE 'a%'
the result would be all data with the first letter a.
the question are :
using mongoose
? case-sensitive
eg: (a,A)
. it would be the same query or not?lowercase_field
for this case ?There is a $regex operator for that purpose, the query will look like:
Model.find({"name": {$regex: /^a/, $options: 'i'}}).exec(callback);
and it could be simplified to:
Model.find({"name": /^a/i}}).exec(callback);
In case you need to pass a variable in the query:
var char = 'a';
Model.find({"name": {$regex: '^' + char, $options: 'i'}}).exec(callback);