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Error: Main class FirstKaaDemo could not be found or loaded

I'm trying to run "Your first Kaa application" in Java on my local Windows 10 Machine, newest Kaa sandbox (0.10.0 running).

Everything seems to working fine, until I want to lauch the application. The compile seems to work, but if I want to Run it - it does not work.

[17:25:21] C:\Temp\demo_app> javac -cp kaa-*.jar *.java
[17:26:27] C:\Temp\demo_app> java -cp '.;.\*' FirstKaaDemo
Error: Main class FirstKaaDemo could not be found or loaded
[17:29:08] C:\Temp\demo_app> ls
    Directory: C:\Temp\demo_app
Mode                LastWriteTime         Length Name
----                -------------         ------ ----
-a----       16.12.2016     17:26           1046 FirstKaaDemo$1.class
-a----       16.12.2016     17:26           1024 FirstKaaDemo$2.class
-a----       16.12.2016     17:26           1034 FirstKaaDemo$3.class
-a----       16.12.2016     17:26           1424 FirstKaaDemo$FirstKaaClientStateListener.class
-a----       16.12.2016     17:26           4368 FirstKaaDemo.class
-a----       16.12.2016     17:26           5832
-a----       16.12.2016     17:24       12063395 kaa-java-ep-sdk-HCI6YIz74KmrcJMmVhnzBTQ0F2A.jar
-a----       16.12.2016     11:50          10905 slf4j-simple-1.7.21.jar

I followed the tutorial on the new Kaa Documentation ->

Any recommendation what's wrong with the setup, causing this error?

Zipped Files:

I already replaced '.;.' with '.:./'. It did not help.


  • Please try this command to run the demo application (from the same folder):

    java -cp "..;..\demo_app\*" demo_app.FirstKaaDemo

    I tried your code and it can be run this way on Windows 7.

    The original command does not work for you due to the below line added:

    package demo_app;