I have a simple C# Column fixture class which independently tests fine. I have a sql server table which again, independently tests fine. If I test both, testing the SQL table first, again all is OK. However if I test the C# first, then the SQL test fails 'Type 'Connect' not found in assemblies'
So this works fine...
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitnesse.fitserver.FitServer %p}
!define TEST_RUNNER {fitsharp\Runner.exe}
!define PATH_SEPARATOR {;}
!path fitsharp/fit.dll
!path fitsharp/dbfit.sqlserver.dll
!|Connect|Data Source=localhost;integrated security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Test2|
!|Query| select Colour from dbo.Colour|
!path Fixtures.dll
|Hello|World|Hello, World|10|
|Houston|We Have a Problem|Houston, We Have a Problem|24|
... but this fails by simply moving the Fixtures.dll test ...
!define COMMAND_PATTERN {%m -r fitnesse.fitserver.FitServer %p}
!define TEST_RUNNER {fitsharp\Runner.exe}
!define PATH_SEPARATOR {;}
!path Fixtures.dll
|Hello|World|Hello, World|10|
|Houston|We Have a Problem|Houston, We Have a Problem|24|
!path fitsharp/fit.dll
!path fitsharp/dbfit.sqlserver.dll
!|Connect|Data Source=localhost;integrated security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Test2|
!|Query| select Colour from dbo.Colour|
Update: The original solution described below does not work for DbFit. Here is a workaround:
In your fixture SampleDo
, you can include the following to let SqlServerTest
handle the rest of the tables in the test:
public override bool IsVisible { get { return false; } }
Original answer:
When using DbFit, the table
is usually the first table in the test so it becomes the "System Under Test" and subsequent tables like
!|Connect|Data Source=localhost;integrated security=SSPI;Initial Catalog=Test2|
are interpreted as methods to be executed on SqlServerTest
If it is not the first table, something else will be the "System Under Test", in your case, SampleDo
, and FitNesse will look for a method Connect
on SampleDo
. To make SqlServerTest
the "System Under Test" part way through the test, use the with keyword: