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Excel-Dna get globals properties

I am using excel-dna as base function, then I call a "vsto" function from an addin to trigger a web service request on the selected function. My issue is that I d like to use the DNA function to parse the ranges to be send to the service. It return a string currently ("waiting for service call..."), and if the VSTO methods call the function it passed another variable to return something else.

I cannot extract other thing than string, object comes back empty when I use "evaluate" in vsto.

I think the best way would be to reach a global cache variable stored in the vsto addin from the excel-dna function. I could not manage to to this.

Addins button push => addins evaluate Excel DNA => DNA store data in VSTO Addin variable => VSTO call the service and paste the returning data.

Thank you,


  • Ok I found out on: MSN Blog

    namespace AddIn{
        public interface IAddinUtilities
        { void youraddinfunction();
        public partial class ThisAddIn : IAddinUtilities
            protected override object RequestComAddInAutomationService()
            { return this; }
            public void yourfunction (){ DoSomething }   

    In the excel Dna function :

    var application = (Application)XL.ExcelDnaUtil.Application;
                var addin = application.COMAddIns.Item(AddinName);
                var what = addin.Object;