This is my singletion class Person.
public class Person
private static Person _person = null;
private Person()
{ }
public string Name { get; }
public static Person PersonObj
if (_person == null)
_person = new Person();
return _person;
now i can create two instances of this class by Serialization.
static void Main(string[] args)
Person p = Person.PersonObj;
string sss = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(p);
Person p1 = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Person>(sss);
if (p != p1)
// insert here
Now after Serialization I have two different object. As the class is singleton how it can have two different objects ?
A singleton is a programming concept - not a language feature. Its perfectly possible to create code that creates instances of classes that - in theory - should only be created by a singleton factory. You dont even need to use serialization to achieve that - just use Activator.CreateInstance()
It might be helpful also to consider that your class constructor also doesn't have to get called; sure, if your call new MyClass()
it will do, but deserialization doesn't have to call the constructor. Serialization as a concept stores and rehydrates the state of a class instance; so it doesn't need to obey other class instantiation concepts, like constructor scope or constructor logic.