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Vlookup formula not working

I hope you can help. I have two sheets see below. What I am trying to do is bring in the Customer Expense Id in Column U from Sheet 1 into Column Y in the more colorful sheet 2 using the Expense Request Number available in both sheets

Both columns are formatted to general and my formula to me seems correct

=VLOOKUP(X10,'[Covance Original.xlsx]Sheet1'!$T$2:$U$573,2,)

But I keep getting #N/A's throughout the column. I know there definitely matches here.

The Expense request number is in column T of one sheet and X of the other

Sheet 1 Or Covance Original

enter image description here

Sheet 2

enter image description here

I am at a loss as to why I am getting #N/A throughout the columns for a few entries sure but not the entire column

Any help is as always greatly apprecaited.


  • The lookup column and match cells are different formats. One a string and other a number. Its not ideal to look do this sort of vlookup but a work around would be...

    =VLOOKUP(VALUE(X10),'[Covance Original.xlsx]Sheet1'!$T$2:$U$573,2,False)