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PHP & JS mcrypt decryption not working

I have the following code in Javascript to encrypt a string using a key:

des.js is this:

<script src="/js/des.js"></script>
var key = '12345678';
var message = 'hello world';

var ciph = des(key, message, 1, 0);
ciph = stringToHex(ciph);
console.log("Encrypted Result: " + ciph);

Then I send it server side and attempt to decrypt with this PHP code:

$key = '12345678';
$hexa = '0x28dba02eb5f6dd476042daebfa59687a'; /This is the output from Javascript
$string = '';
for ($i=0; $i < strlen($hexa)-1; $i+=2) {
$string .= chr(hexdec($hexa[$i].$hexa[$i+1])); }
echo mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key, $string, MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);

Ive tried converting it to utf8, changing encoding, changing the hex decoding, etc, but it always comes out gibberish, sometimes as nonreadable characters, other times as readable but nonsense.


  • The way to decrypt the string is not working properly, try this:

    $key = '12345678';
    $hexa = '0x28dba02eb5f6dd476042daebfa59687a'; 
    function hexToString ($h) {
      $r = "";
     for ($i= (substr($h, 0, 2)=="0x")?2:0; $i<strlen($h); $i+=2) {$r .= chr (base_convert (substr ($h, $i, 2), 16, 10));}
    return $r;
    echo mcrypt_decrypt(MCRYPT_DES, $key,hexToString('0x28dba02eb5f6dd476042daebfa59687a'), MCRYPT_MODE_ECB);

    The output will be: hello world

    This way work properly, however, you should search another method to encrypt your data, in your script the key (12345678) and your encrypt method is visible to everyone.