I am writing code for the Azure IoT Hub, which requires the use of c-functions in the Arduino loop(). The issue that I'm having is that if I pass a pointer to a float created in the c-file to a c++ file and modify the value, what is seen in the c-file after the c++ function returns is gibberish.
Here's a psuedocode example, and a working example is included below:
loop() in ino file:
runs runInLoop(), defined in the c-file RunTest.c
runInLoop() in RunTest.c:
create a float
pass the address to modifyFloat(float *address) defined in FloatTest.cpp
print the value of the float after modifyFloat() returns.
modifyFloat(float *address) in FloatTest.cpp:
assign a vale to *address
print the value
I've executed this pseudocode in the working example below and the result in the serial monitor is:
Value assigned in modifyFloat: 22.55
The value that was returned is: 1077316812
I'm using an Adafruit Huzzah Feather, configured exactly as they indicate in their documentation.
Here is a working example:
#include "RunTest.h"
void setup()
void loop()
Serial.println("Starting main loop!\r\n");
void initSerial()
#include "FloatTest.h"
void runInLoop(void)
float testValue;
(void)printf("The value that was returned is: %d\r\n", testValue);
#ifndef RUNTEST_H
#define RUNTEST_H
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void runInLoop(void);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // RUNTEST_H
#include <Arduino.h>
#include "FloatTest.h"
void modifyFloat(float *address)
*address = 22.55;
Serial.print("Value assigned in modifyFloat: ");
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
void modifyFloat(float* address);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif // FLOATTEST_H
The issue was the use of the %d in the printf string in RunTest.c. Updating the code to that shown below fixes the issue and makes the output:
Value seen in modifyFloat: 22.55
The value that was returned is: 22.55
#include "FloatTest.h"
void runInLoop(void)
float testValue;
char str_tmp[6];
dtostrf(testValue, 4, 2, str_tmp);
(void)printf("The value that was returned is: %s\r\n", str_tmp);