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colorbox jquery pop-up shows text even after closing the window

I am using colorbox jquery for auto pop-up. It works fine but It shows the text (pop up text) even after closing the window. Please let me know the solution. The code as below.

    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
            <title>Title goes here</title>
            <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
            <link rel="stylesheet" href="colorbox/colorbox.css" />
            <script src=""></script>
            <script src="colorbox/jquery.colorbox.js"></script>
            <script>$(document).ready(function(){$.colorbox({inline:true, href:".ajax"});});</script>   

                    //Examples of how to assign the Colorbox event to elements
                    $(".group2").colorbox({rel:'group2', transition:"fade"});
                    $(".group3").colorbox({rel:'group3', transition:"none", width:"75%", height:"75%"});
                    $(".group4").colorbox({rel:'group4', slideshow:true});
                    $(".youtube").colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:640, innerHeight:390});
                    $(".vimeo").colorbox({iframe:true, innerWidth:500, innerHeight:409});
                    $(".iframe").colorbox({iframe:true, width:"80%", height:"80%"});
                    $(".inline").colorbox({inline:true, width:"50%"});
                        onOpen:function(){ alert('onOpen: colorbox is about to open'); },
                        onLoad:function(){ alert('onLoad: colorbox has started to load the targeted content'); },
                        onComplete:function(){ alert('onComplete: colorbox has displayed the loaded content'); },
                        onCleanup:function(){ alert('onCleanup: colorbox has begun the close process'); },
                        onClosed:function(){ alert('onClosed: colorbox has completely closed'); }

                    $('.non-retina').colorbox({rel:'group5', transition:'none'})
                    $('.retina').colorbox({rel:'group5', transition:'none', retinaImage:true, retinaUrl:true});

    <div class='ajax'>Pop-up text goes here</div>   


  • I have added an onCleanup function to your colorbox that will set the display value of any div with the ajax class to none so that it is hidden after you close the colorbox.

    Ignore the code for colorbox, I needed to include it in the actual answer to have it run in the snippet.

    $(document).ready(function() {
        inline: true,
        href: ".ajax",
        onCleanup: function() {
          $(".ajax").css("display", "none");
    	Colorbox 1.6.4
    	license: MIT
    (function(t, e, i) {
      function n(i, n, o) {
        var r = e.createElement(i);
        return n && ( = Z + n), o && ( = o), t(r)
      function o() {
        return i.innerHeight ? i.innerHeight : t(i).height()
      function r(e, i) {
        i !== Object(i) && (i = {}), this.cache = {}, this.el = e, this.value = function(e) {
          var n;
          return void 0 === this.cache[e] && (n = t(this.el).attr("data-cbox-" + e), void 0 !== n ? this.cache[e] = n : void 0 !== i[e] ? this.cache[e] = i[e] : void 0 !== X[e] && (this.cache[e] = X[e])), this.cache[e]
        }, this.get = function(e) {
          var i = this.value(e);
          return t.isFunction(i) ?, this) : i
      function h(t) {
        var e = W.length,
          i = (A + t) % e;
        return 0 > i ? e + i : i
      function a(t, e) {
        return Math.round((/%/.test(t) ? ("x" === e ? E.width() : o()) / 100 : 1) * parseInt(t, 10))
      function s(t, e) {
        return t.get("photo") || t.get("photoRegex").test(e)
      function l(t, e) {
        return t.get("retinaUrl") && i.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? e.replace(t.get("photoRegex"), t.get("retinaSuffix")) : e
      function d(t) {
        "contains" in x[0] && !x[0].contains( && !== v[0] && (t.stopPropagation(), x.focus())
      function c(t) {
        c.str !== t && (x.add(v).removeClass(c.str).addClass(t), c.str = t)
      function g(e) {
        A = 0, e && e !== !1 && "nofollow" !== e ? (W = t("." + te).filter(function() {
          var i =, Y),
            n = new r(this, i);
          return n.get("rel") === e
        }), A = W.index(_.el), -1 === A && (W = W.add(_.el), A = W.length - 1)) : W = t(_.el)
      function u(i) {
        t(e).trigger(i), ae.triggerHandler(i)
      function f(i) {
        var o;
        if (!G) {
          if (o = t(i).data(Y), _ = new r(i, o), g(_.get("rel")), !U) {
            U = $ = !0, c(_.get("className")), x.css({
              visibility: "hidden",
              display: "block",
              opacity: ""
            }), I = n(se, "LoadedContent", "width:0; height:0; overflow:hidden; visibility:hidden"), b.css({
              width: "",
              height: ""
            }).append(I), j = T.height() + k.height() + b.outerHeight(!0) - b.height(), D = C.width() + H.width() + b.outerWidth(!0) - b.width(), N = I.outerHeight(!0), z = I.outerWidth(!0);
            var h = a(_.get("initialWidth"), "x"),
              s = a(_.get("initialHeight"), "y"),
              l = _.get("maxWidth"),
              f = _.get("maxHeight");
            _.w = Math.max((l !== !1 ? Math.min(h, a(l, "x")) : h) - z - D, 0), _.h = Math.max((f !== !1 ? Math.min(s, a(f, "y")) : s) - N - j, 0), I.css({
              width: "",
              height: _.h
            }), J.position(), u(ee), _.get("onOpen"), O.add(F).hide(), x.focus(), _.get("trapFocus") && e.addEventListener && (e.addEventListener("focus", d, !0),, function() {
              e.removeEventListener("focus", d, !0)
            })), _.get("returnFocus") &&, function() {
          var p = parseFloat(_.get("opacity"));
            opacity: p === p ? p : "",
            cursor: _.get("overlayClose") ? "pointer" : "",
            visibility: "visible"
          }).show(), _.get("closeButton") ? B.html(_.get("close")).appendTo(b) : B.appendTo("<div/>"), w()
      function p() {
        x || (V = !1, E = t(i), x = n(se).attr({
          id: Y,
          "class": === !1 ? Z + "IE" : "",
          role: "dialog",
          tabindex: "-1"
        }).hide(), v = n(se, "Overlay").hide(), L = t([n(se, "LoadingOverlay")[0], n(se, "LoadingGraphic")[0]]), y = n(se, "Wrapper"), b = n(se, "Content").append(F = n(se, "Title"), R = n(se, "Current"), P = t('<button type="button"/>').attr({
          id: Z + "Previous"
        }), K = t('<button type="button"/>').attr({
          id: Z + "Next"
        }), S = t('<button type="button"/>').attr({
          id: Z + "Slideshow"
        }), L), B = t('<button type="button"/>').attr({
          id: Z + "Close"
        }), y.append(n(se).append(n(se, "TopLeft"), T = n(se, "TopCenter"), n(se, "TopRight")), n(se, !1, "clear:left").append(C = n(se, "MiddleLeft"), b, H = n(se, "MiddleRight")), n(se, !1, "clear:left").append(n(se, "BottomLeft"), k = n(se, "BottomCenter"), n(se, "BottomRight"))).find("div div").css({
          "float": "left"
        }), M = n(se, !1, "position:absolute; width:9999px; visibility:hidden; display:none; max-width:none;"), O = K.add(P).add(R).add(S)), e.body && !x.parent().length && t(e.body).append(v, x.append(y, M))
      function m() {
        function i(t) {
          t.which > 1 || t.shiftKey || t.altKey || t.metaKey || t.ctrlKey || (t.preventDefault(), f(this))
        return x ? (V || (V = !0, {

        }), {
        }), {
        }), {
          _.get("overlayClose") && J.close()
        }), t(e).bind("keydown." + Z, function(t) {
          var e = t.keyCode;
          U && _.get("escKey") && 27 === e && (t.preventDefault(), J.close()), U && _.get("arrowKey") && W[1] && !t.altKey && (37 === e ? (t.preventDefault(), : 39 === e && (t.preventDefault(),
        }), t.isFunction(t.fn.on) ? t(e).on("click." + Z, "." + te, i) : t("." + te).live("click." + Z, i)), !0) : !1
      function w() {
        var e, o, r, h = J.prep,
          d = ++le;
        if ($ = !0, q = !1, u(he), u(ie), _.get("onLoad"), _.h = _.get("height") ? a(_.get("height"), "y") - N - j : _.get("innerHeight") && a(_.get("innerHeight"), "y"), _.w = _.get("width") ? a(_.get("width"), "x") - z - D : _.get("innerWidth") && a(_.get("innerWidth"), "x"), = _.w, = _.h, _.get("maxWidth") && ( = a(_.get("maxWidth"), "x") - z - D, = _.w && _.w < ? _.w :, _.get("maxHeight") && ( = a(_.get("maxHeight"), "y") - N - j, = _.h && _.h < ? _.h :, e = _.get("href"), Q = setTimeout(function() {

        }, 100), _.get("inline")) {
          var c = t(e).eq(0);
          r = t("<div>").hide().insertBefore(c),, function() {
          }), h(c)
        } else _.get("iframe") ? h(" ") : _.get("html") ? h(_.get("html")) : s(_, e) ? (e = l(_, e), q = _.get("createImg"), t(q).addClass(Z + "Photo").bind("error." + Z, function() {
          h(n(se, "Error").html(_.get("imgError")))
        }).one("load", function() {
          d === le && setTimeout(function() {
            var e;
            _.get("retinaImage") && i.devicePixelRatio > 1 && (q.height = q.height / i.devicePixelRatio, q.width = q.width / i.devicePixelRatio), _.get("scalePhotos") && (o = function() {
              q.height -= q.height * e, q.width -= q.width * e
            }, && q.width > && (e = (q.width - / q.width, o()), && q.height > && (e = (q.height - / q.height, o())), _.h && ( = Math.max( - q.height, 0) / 2 + "px"), W[1] && (_.get("loop") || W[A + 1]) && ( = "pointer", t(q).bind("click." + Z, function() {
            })), = q.width + "px", = q.height + "px", h(q)
          }, 1)
        }), q.src = e) : e && M.load(e, _.get("data"), function(e, i) {
          d === le && h("error" === i ? n(se, "Error").html(_.get("xhrError")) : t(this).contents())
      var v, x, y, b, T, C, H, k, W, E, I, M, L, F, R, S, K, P, B, O, _, j, D, N, z, A, q, U, $, G, Q, J, V, X = {
          html: !1,
          photo: !1,
          iframe: !1,
          inline: !1,
          transition: "elastic",
          speed: 300,
          fadeOut: 300,
          width: !1,
          initialWidth: "600",
          innerWidth: !1,
          maxWidth: !1,
          height: !1,
          initialHeight: "450",
          innerHeight: !1,
          maxHeight: !1,
          scalePhotos: !0,
          scrolling: !0,
          opacity: .9,
          preloading: !0,
          className: !1,
          overlayClose: !0,
          escKey: !0,
          arrowKey: !0,
          top: !1,
          bottom: !1,
          left: !1,
          right: !1,
          fixed: !1,
          data: void 0,
          closeButton: !0,
          fastIframe: !0,
          open: !1,
          reposition: !0,
          loop: !0,
          slideshow: !1,
          slideshowAuto: !0,
          slideshowSpeed: 2500,
          slideshowStart: "start slideshow",
          slideshowStop: "stop slideshow",
          photoRegex: /\.(gif|png|jp(e|g|eg)|bmp|ico|webp|jxr|svg)((#|\?).*)?$/i,
          retinaImage: !1,
          retinaUrl: !1,
          retinaSuffix: "@2x.$1",
          current: "image {current} of {total}",
          previous: "previous",
          next: "next",
          close: "close",
          xhrError: "This content failed to load.",
          imgError: "This image failed to load.",
          returnFocus: !0,
          trapFocus: !0,
          onOpen: !1,
          onLoad: !1,
          onComplete: !1,
          onCleanup: !1,
          onClosed: !1,
          rel: function() {
            return this.rel
          href: function() {
            return t(this).attr("href")
          title: function() {
            return this.title
          createImg: function() {
            var e = new Image,
              i = t(this).data("cbox-img-attrs");
            return "object" == typeof i && t.each(i, function(t, i) {
              e[t] = i
            }), e
          createIframe: function() {
            var i = e.createElement("iframe"),
              n = t(this).data("cbox-iframe-attrs");
            return "object" == typeof n && t.each(n, function(t, e) {
              i[t] = e
            }), "frameBorder" in i && (i.frameBorder = 0), "allowTransparency" in i && (i.allowTransparency = "true"), = (new Date).getTime(), i.allowFullscreen = !0, i
        Y = "colorbox",
        Z = "cbox",
        te = Z + "Element",
        ee = Z + "_open",
        ie = Z + "_load",
        ne = Z + "_complete",
        oe = Z + "_cleanup",
        re = Z + "_closed",
        he = Z + "_purge",
        ae = t("<a/>"),
        se = "div",
        le = 0,
        de = {},
        ce = function() {
          function t() {
          function e() {
            (_.get("loop") || W[A + 1]) && (t(), h = setTimeout(, _.get("slideshowSpeed")))
          function i() {
            S.html(_.get("slideshowStop")).unbind(s).one(s, n), ae.bind(ne, e).bind(ie, t), x.removeClass(a + "off").addClass(a + "on")
          function n() {
            t(), ae.unbind(ne, e).unbind(ie, t), S.html(_.get("slideshowStart")).unbind(s).one(s, function() {
    , i()
            }), x.removeClass(a + "on").addClass(a + "off")
          function o() {
            r = !1, S.hide(), t(), ae.unbind(ne, e).unbind(ie, t), x.removeClass(a + "off " + a + "on")
          var r, h, a = Z + "Slideshow_",
            s = "click." + Z;
          return function() {
            r ? _.get("slideshow") || (ae.unbind(oe, o), o()) : _.get("slideshow") && W[1] && (r = !0,, o), _.get("slideshowAuto") ? i() : n(),
      t[Y] || (t(p), J = t.fn[Y] = t[Y] = function(e, i) {
        var n, o = this;
        return e = e || {}, t.isFunction(o) && (o = t("<a/>"), = !0), o[0] ? (p(), m() && (i && (e.onComplete = i), o.each(function() {
          var i =, Y) || {};
, Y, t.extend(i, e))
        }).addClass(te), n = new r(o[0], e), n.get("open") && f(o[0])), o) : o
      }, J.position = function(e, i) {
        function n() {
          T[0].style.width = k[0].style.width = b[0].style.width = parseInt(x[0].style.width, 10) - D + "px", b[0].style.height = C[0].style.height = H[0].style.height = parseInt(x[0].style.height, 10) - j + "px"
        var r, h, s, l = 0,
          d = 0,
          c = x.offset();
        if (E.unbind("resize." + Z), x.css({
          top: -9e4,
          left: -9e4
        }), h = E.scrollTop(), s = E.scrollLeft(), _.get("fixed") ? ( -= h, c.left -= s, x.css({
          position: "fixed"
        })) : (l = h, d = s, x.css({
          position: "absolute"
        })), d += _.get("right") !== !1 ? Math.max(E.width() - _.w - z - D - a(_.get("right"), "x"), 0) : _.get("left") !== !1 ? a(_.get("left"), "x") : Math.round(Math.max(E.width() - _.w - z - D, 0) / 2), l += _.get("bottom") !== !1 ? Math.max(o() - _.h - N - j - a(_.get("bottom"), "y"), 0) : _.get("top") !== !1 ? a(_.get("top"), "y") : Math.round(Math.max(o() - _.h - N - j, 0) / 2), x.css({
          left: c.left,
          visibility: "visible"
        }), y[0].style.width = y[0].style.height = "9999px", r = {
          width: _.w + z + D,
          height: _.h + N + j,
          top: l,
          left: d
        }, e) {
          var g = 0;
          t.each(r, function(t) {
            return r[t] !== de[t] ? (g = e, void 0) : void 0
          }), e = g
        de = r, e || x.css(r), x.dequeue().animate(r, {
          duration: e || 0,
          complete: function() {
            n(), $ = !1, y[0].style.width = _.w + z + D + "px", y[0].style.height = _.h + N + j + "px", _.get("reposition") && setTimeout(function() {
              E.bind("resize." + Z, J.position)
            }, 1), t.isFunction(i) && i()
          step: n
      }, J.resize = function(t) {
        var e;
        U && (t = t || {}, t.width && (_.w = a(t.width, "x") - z - D), t.innerWidth && (_.w = a(t.innerWidth, "x")), I.css({
          width: _.w
        }), t.height && (_.h = a(t.height, "y") - N - j), t.innerHeight && (_.h = a(t.innerHeight, "y")), t.innerHeight || t.height || (e = I.scrollTop(), I.css({
          height: "auto"
        }), _.h = I.height()), I.css({
          height: _.h
        }), e && I.scrollTop(e), J.position("none" === _.get("transition") ? 0 : _.get("speed")))
      }, J.prep = function(i) {
        function o() {
          return _.w = _.w || I.width(), _.w = && < _.w ? : _.w, _.w
        function a() {
          return _.h = _.h || I.height(), _.h = && < _.h ? : _.h, _.h
        if (U) {
          var d, g = "none" === _.get("transition") ? 0 : _.get("speed");
          I.remove(), I = n(se, "LoadedContent").append(i), I.hide().appendTo({
            width: o(),
            overflow: _.get("scrolling") ? "auto" : "hidden"
            height: a()
          }).prependTo(b), M.hide(), t(q).css({
            "float": "none"
          }), c(_.get("className")), d = function() {
            function i() {
     === !1 && x[0].style.removeAttribute("filter")
            var n, o, a = W.length;
            U && (o = function() {
              clearTimeout(Q), L.hide(), u(ne), _.get("onComplete")
            }, F.html(_.get("title")).show(),, a > 1 ? ("string" == typeof _.get("current") && R.html(_.get("current").replace("{current}", A + 1).replace("{total}", a)).show(), K[_.get("loop") || a - 1 > A ? "show" : "hide"]().html(_.get("next")), P[_.get("loop") || A ? "show" : "hide"]().html(_.get("previous")), ce(), _.get("preloading") && t.each([h(-1), h(1)], function() {
              var i, n = W[this],
                o = new r(n,, Y)),
                h = o.get("href");
              h && s(o, h) && (h = l(o, h), i = e.createElement("img"), i.src = h)
            })) : O.hide(), _.get("iframe") ? (n = _.get("createIframe"), _.get("scrolling") || (n.scrolling = "no"), t(n).attr({
              src: _.get("href"),
              "class": Z + "Iframe"
            }).one("load", o).appendTo(I),, function() {
              n.src = "//about:blank"
            }), _.get("fastIframe") && t(n).trigger("load")) : o(), "fade" === _.get("transition") ? x.fadeTo(g, 1, i) : i())
          }, "fade" === _.get("transition") ? x.fadeTo(g, 0, function() {
            J.position(0, d)
          }) : J.position(g, d)
      }, = function() {
        !$ && W[1] && (_.get("loop") || W[A + 1]) && (A = h(1), f(W[A]))
      }, J.prev = function() {
        !$ && W[1] && (_.get("loop") || A) && (A = h(-1), f(W[A]))
      }, J.close = function() {
        U && !G && (G = !0, U = !1, u(oe), _.get("onCleanup"), E.unbind("." + Z), v.fadeTo(_.get("fadeOut") || 0, 0), x.stop().fadeTo(_.get("fadeOut") || 0, 0, function() {
          x.hide(), v.hide(), u(he), I.remove(), setTimeout(function() {
            G = !1, u(re), _.get("onClosed")
          }, 1)
      }, J.remove = function() {
        x && (x.stop(), t[Y].close(), x.stop(!1, !0).remove(), v.remove(), G = !1, x = null, t("." + te).removeData(Y).removeClass(te), t(e).unbind("click." + Z).unbind("keydown." + Z))
      }, J.element = function() {
        return t(_.el)
      }, J.settings = X)
    })(jQuery, document, window);
    <script src=""></script>
      <div class='ajax'>Pop-up text goes here</div>