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Why does icc fail to handle compile-time branch hints in a reasonable way?

A developer can use the __builtin_expect builtin to help the compiler understand in which direction a branch is likely to go.

In the future, we may get a standard attribute for this purpose, but as of today at least all of clang, icc and gcc support the non-standard __builtin_expect instead.

However, icc seems to generate oddly terrible code when you use it1. That is, code that is uses the builtin is strictly worse than the code without it, regardless of which direction the prediction is made.

Take for example the following toy function:

int foo(int a, int b)
  do {
     a *= 77;
  } while (b-- > 0);  
  return a * 77;

Out of the three compilers, icc is the only one that compiles this to the optimal scalar loop of 3 instructions:

foo(int, int):
..B1.2:                         # Preds ..B1.2 ..B1.1
        imul      edi, edi, 77                                  #4.6
        dec       esi                                           #5.12
        jns       ..B1.2        # Prob 82%                      #5.18
        imul      eax, edi, 77                                  #6.14

Both gcc and Clang manage the miss the easy solution and use 5 instructions.

On the other hand, when you use likely or unlikely macros on the loop condition, icc goes totally braindead:

#define likely(x)   __builtin_expect((x), 1)
#define unlikely(x) __builtin_expect((x), 0)

int foo(int a, int b)

   do {
     a *= 77;
  } while (likely(b-- > 0));  

   return a * 77;

This loop is functionally equivalent to the previous loop (since __builtin_expect just returns its first argument), yet icc produces some awful code:

foo(int, int):
        mov       eax, 1                                        #9.12
..B1.2:                         # Preds ..B1.2 ..B1.1
        xor       edx, edx                                      #9.12
        test      esi, esi                                      #9.12
        cmovg     edx, eax                                      #9.12
        dec       esi                                           #9.12
        imul      edi, edi, 77                                  #8.6
        test      edx, edx                                      #9.12
        jne       ..B1.2        # Prob 95%                      #9.12
        imul      eax, edi, 77                                  #11.15
        ret                                                     #11.15

The function has doubled in size to 10 instructions, and (worse yet!) the critical loop has more than doubled to 7 instructions with a long critical dependency chain involving a cmov and other weird stuff.

The same is true if you use the unlikely hint and also across all icc versions (13, 14, 17) that godbolt supports. So the code generation is strictly worse, regardless of the hint, and regardless of the actual runtime behavior.

Neither gcc nor clang suffer any degradation when hints are used.

What's up with that?

1 At least in the first and subsequent examples I tried.


  • To me it seems an ICC bug. This code (available on godbolt)

    int c;
        a *= 77;
        c = b--;
    while (likely(c > 0));  

    that simply use an auxiliary local var c, produces an output without the edx = !!(esi > 0) pattern

    foo(int, int):
        mov       eax, esi
        dec       esi
        imul      edi, edi, 77
        test      eax, eax
        jg        ..B1.2

    still not optimal (it could do without eax), though.

    I don't know if the official ICC policy about __builtin_expect is full support or just compatibility support.

    This question seems better suited for the Official ICC forum.
    I've tried posting this topic there but I'm not sure I've made a good job (I've been spoiled by SO).
    If they answer me I'll update this answer.

    I've got and an answer at the Intel Forum, they recorded this issue in their tracking system.
    As today, it seems a bug.