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JIRA.bind() is not working in Greasemonkey

As the title says, I am unable to get the JIRA.bind() call working from my Greasemonkey script and I am running out of ideas why and what to try else.

I am running JIRA 6.4.14 and Greasemonkey 3.9 in Firefox 50.1.0.

If I open JIRA and execute this line in the Firefox built-in console, it works and "GO" is displayed after committing an inline change:

JIRA.bind(JIRA.Events.INLINE_EDIT_SAVE_COMPLETE, function(e, context, reason){alert("GO");})

So, I thought it should be no problem to port this command into Greasemonkey:

unsafeWindow.JIRA.bind(unsafeWindow.JIRA.Events.INLINE_EDIT_SAVE_COMPLETE, function(e, context, reason){alert("GO");})

But nothing happens, when I do the exact same inline edit. The line itself is executed, I "alerted" before and after and both popups came up.

I tried some other variations of the call, all without success

unsafeWindow.JIRA.bind(unsafeWindow.JIRA.Events.INLINE_EDIT_SAVE_COMPLETE, function(e, context, reason){ unsafeWindow.alert("GO");})
unsafeWindow.AJS.$(unsafeWindow.JIRA.bind(unsafeWindow.JIRA.Events.INLINE_EDIT_SAVE_COMPLETE, function(e, context, reason){alert("GO");}))
unsafeWindow.JIRA.bind(unsafeWindow.JIRA.Events.INLINE_EDIT_SAVE_COMPLETE, function(){ alert("GO");})
// While 'fooBar' is a simple function doing the alert("go")
unsafeWindow.JIRA.bind(unsafeWindow.JIRA.Events.INLINE_EDIT_SAVE_COMPLETE, function(){ fooBar })

Does anyone know how to make the bind work?

Trying the exportFunction did not solved the issue:

$(document).ready(function() {

    unsafeWindow.JIRA.bind(unsafeWindow.JIRA.Events.INLINE_EDIT_SAVE_COMPLETE, function(e, context, reason){ foobar });


function foobar()

exportFunction(foobar, unsafeWindow);


Thank you Brock Adams and wOxxOm for your help!

This snipped is working just fine and printing both messages "Binding" and "Go".

$(document).ready(function() {

    // Write a log message from inside of the GM script

    // Bind the exported foobar to the JIRA event


// Implementation of the foobar function
function foobar(e, context, reason)

// Another method, that will get called from the GM script and the exported foobar
function anotherMethod(msg)

// Export foobar to the unsafeWindow to make it accessible for JIRA
unsafeWindow.foobar = exportFunction(foobar, unsafeWindow);


  • Refer to How to access `window` (Target page) objects when @grant values are set?.

    Everything in the .bind() call must reside in the target page scope, so you can't use dynamic function () {...} code like that.

    Bind your callback like so:

    function mySaveComplete (e, context, reason) {
        //alert ("GO");
        console.log ("Go");
    unsafeWindow.mySaveComplete = exportFunction (mySaveComplete, unsafeWindow);
    unsafeWindow.JIRA.bind (

    However, I don't have access to a JIRA test bed. In certain situations, you may have to inject the code, as the linked answer states.
    In that case, see also: How to call Greasemonkey's GM_ functions from code that must run in the target page scope?