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Chai - Testing for values in array of objects

I am setting up my tests for the results to a REST endpoint that returns me an array of Mongo database objects.

[{_id: 5, title: 'Blah', owner: 'Ted', description: 'something'...},
 {_id: 70, title: 'GGG', owner: 'Ted', description: 'something'...}...]

What I want my tests to verify is that in the return array it conatins the specific titles that should return. Nothing I do using Chai/Chai-Things seems to work. Things like res.body.savedResults.should.include.something.that.equals({title: 'Blah'}) error out I'm assuming since the record object contains other keys and values besides just title.

Is there a way to make it do what I want? I just need to verify that the titles are in the array and don't care what the other data might be (IE _id).



  • This is what I usually do within the test:

    var result = query_result;
    var members = [];

    If you know the order of the return array you could also do this:

    expect(result)'[0].title', 'expected_title_1');
    expect(result)'[1].title', 'expected_title_2');