I have been trying to get the tag of a deleted chip from the div
in the Materialize chips class, but nothing is working.
Here is what I have already tried.
$('.chips').on('chip.delete', function(e, chip){
None of the above is working.
With just only console.log(chip)
, I get undefined error in JavaScript console, but the function is firing when I delete the chip. I am just not able to get the value of tag of deleted chip. I want to store the tag in a variable.
I am creating chips dynamically on Materialize date select:
$('#pm_date').change(function () {
var chipvalue = $(this).val();
if (chipvalue !== "") {
// checking if tag already exits
if ($("#date_chip_select:contains(" + chipvalue + ")").length > 0) {
alert('Date already selected');
} else {
var appendstring = "<div class='chip' id='date_chip_child_" + chip_id + "'>" + chipvalue + "<i class='material-icons close'>close</i></div>";
Here is the fiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/hq22mne4/1/
, which is part of materialize
, doesn't seem to expose any methods for adding or removing chips programmatically. It seems to exclusively listen for an enter keydown
event and then internally add the chip.
So, I stitched together a workaround that does just that. I set potential chip's value within your onchange
And create the chip when date picker is closed:
selectMonths: true,
selectYears: 15,
onClose: function() {
// add chip via filling the input and simulating enter
$("#datechips").find('input').trigger({ type : 'keydown', which : 13 });
It may not be ideal, but you should be able to tailor this going forward.