Is it possible to receive Web Pushes in an electron app? I don't need to display the Notification, only data is important.
Maybe someone used Onesignal, successfully with electron?
Unfortunately this isn't possible at the moment.
Web Push requires the browser vendor to maintain a server that keeps a connection open to each user to deliver notifications, and to store notifications while a device is offline. Electron has no such system set up for it.
It may be possible to extend Electron to use the operating system's built-in notification system. For example, Apple does have OS X notifications (currently supported by OneSignal), and Windows has a notification system built into it too (which OneSignal will support soon). Using this would require writing native extensions that bridge Electron to the operating system. This would have the added benefit of supporting notification delivery while your Electron app was not open.
Edit: This is now possible with Pushy, a paid notification product that now supports Electron.