I'm using a picker (Ti.UI.Picker
) and setting the type to Ti.UI.PICKER_TYPE_TIME
. The purpose is to allow the user to change the time of a date entry in the database. The date is stored in a UTC timestamp. The flow goes like this:
method is used to pass the required date object to the pickerI thought that by using moment.utc()
I would be able to avoid this. But perhaps the picker does some internal stuff with a normal JavaScript date object, thus getting this adjustment in time.
Is there a way around this? My objective is that; if the original time is 13:00, I want the picker to open with 13:00, then if the user changes it to 15:00, I want the result from the picker to be 15:00 and the corresponding label to show as 15:00.
Here is some sample code
var moment = require('alloy/moment');
var time_unix = 1396815002000;
var date_obj = moment.utc(time_unix);
function updateTimeLabel() {
function onTimeClick() {
var pickerView = Titanium.UI.createView({
backgroundColor: "#FFF",
height: 280,
bottom :-280,
zIndex: 1000
var cancel = Ti.UI.createButton({
style: Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButtonStyle.BORDERED
var done = Ti.UI.createButton({
style: Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButtonStyle.DONE
var spacer = Ti.UI.createButton({
systemButton: Ti.UI.iPhone.SystemButton.FLEXIBLE_SPACE
var toolbar = Ti.UI.iOS.createToolbar({
top: 0,
barColor: '#000',
var picker = Ti.UI.createPicker({
value: date_obj.toDate(), // does the problem occur here?
minDate: new Date('1950-01-01'),
maxDate: new Date('2050-01-01'),
top: 45
cancel.addEventListener('click', function () {
console.log('cancel pressed');
pickerView.animate({bottom: 0, duration: 500});
done.addEventListener('click', function (evt) {
date_obj = moment.utc(picker.getValue());
updateTimeLabel(); // result is 1 hour less than picker
pickerView.animate({bottom: -280, duration: 500});
// picker opens with time that is +1 hour
pickerView.animate({bottom: 0, duration: 500});
In my case I'm setting the default value with the moment format method, and simple dates and times:
and for time pickers:
It works perfectly