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is there a way to get rid of DTO

I am using Entity Framework. I have the following query in which I get data using two tables Application and Employee connected by a foreign key EmployeeID in Application Table. The tables have 1-1 relationship . Is there a way to simplify the following code and get rid of the DTO Employee1 which is the same as auto generated Employee class

public List<Employee1> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
    var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();       
    var data = (from a in context.Applications
                join e in context.Employees on a.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeID
                   a.ApplicationID == ApplicationID
                select new Employee1
                    EmployeeID = e.EmployeeID,
                    SecondEmail = e.SecondEmail,
                    EmailID = e.EmailID,
                    Title = e.Title,
                    Name = e.Name,
                    Rank = e.Rank,
                    POBox = e.POBox,
                    Phone = e.Phone,
                    JoinDate = e.JoinDate,
                    Status = e.Status,
                    DepartmentID = e.DepartmentID.Value,
                    NameString = e.NameString,
                    Department = e.Department,
                    ParentDept = e.ParentDept,
                    DepartmentAr = e.DepartmentAr,
                    NameAr = e.NameAr,
                    NameStringAr = e.NameStringAr,
                    TitleAr = e.TitleAr
    return data;


  • If you need to return list of Employees, just select e which refers to Employee and don't use Employee1 as a DTO.

    public List<Employee> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
        var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();       
        var data = (from a in context.Applications
                    join e in context.Employees on a.EmployeeID equals e.EmployeeID
                       a.ApplicationID == ApplicationID
                    select e).ToList();
        return data;

    Another way is this, which I would prefer because of readability:

    public List<Employee> GetApplicant(int ApplicationID)
        var context = new FPSDB_newEntities();       
        var data = context.Applications.Where(p=>p.ApplicationID == ApplicationID).Select(p=>p.Employee).ToList();
        return data;