I'm now working a svg animation using Vivus.js.
It's a SVG line animation with some text description which is inside the text label of svg.
Because vivus.js can't deal with text animation, I simply make the text's opacity to 0 first, and after the svg line animation is finished, I make the text's opacity to 1 to make it visible.
here is the main part of my .js code put after having imported vivus.min.js in codepen:
// Making a svg line animation through Vivus.js, which works fine
var svg_product =
new Vivus('product', {
type: 'scenario',
duration: 100
// Make the <g id="text"> invisible before the animation is finished
var hidefirst = document.getElementById("text");
hidefirst.style.opacity = 0;
// Detect if the line animation is finished using strokeDashoffset
var line = document.getElementById("XMLID_202_");
var lineDetect = window.getComputedStyle(line).strokeDashoffset;
// After the line animation is finished, make <text> visible
// But the code seems doesn't work
if (lineDetect == "0px") {
hidefirst.style.opacity = 1;
The last part of the code is my question.
I think the code doesn't work because the "if condition" I've written is evaluated at the very beginning the page loading, which is False.
Therefore my question is, how can I correctly trace the strokeDashoffset of the svg line, so I can make the text's opacity to 1 after the window.getComputedStyle(line).strokeDashoffset becomes to "0px"?
You don't need to detect that the animation is finished, the Vivus constructor takes a third argument which is a function that is called at the end of the animation.
var svg_product =
new Vivus('product', {
type: 'scenario',
duration: 100 },
function() {
// called after the animation completes
you could use that or the play method e.g.
svg_product.play(function() {
// called after the animation completes
All this is from the Vivus github documentation