goal: take a number like 54321, add the numbers together (5+4+3+2+1 = 15), then take that number (15) add the digits (1+5 = 6), so return 6;
here is my code:
function digital_root(n) {
if (n >=10) {
var digits = n.toString().split('').map(function(item, index) {return parseInt(item)}).reduce(function(a,b){ return a+b});
Can't figure out: How to get that function to repeat over and over until digits is just one number (i.e. less than 10). I have tried a variety of nested functions, but can't seem to get it right.
If possible please point me in the direction to the solution ("try a nesting in a while... or read up on..."), but don't give me the complete code solution ("Use this code chunk:...."). I've developed a bad habit of just reading and copying...
Thank you!
You can use recursion to solve this.
Write a function makeSingleDigit
, which argument will be your number.
You need a base condition with the base step, which in your case stops the recursion when received number is one-digit and returns the number.
If condition is not true, you just need to get another digit from the number by n%10
and sum it with the makeSingleDigit(Math.floor(n/10))
. By this, you repeatedly sum digits of new numbers, until function receives one-digit number.
Mathematical solution just for your information: the number, which you want to find is n % 9 === 0 ? 9 : n % 9
, thus it is the remainder of the division by 9 if it is not 0, otherwise it is 9.