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'ApplicationName' and 'Hello' strings missing in 'Resource.String' in Xamarin.Forms

I had fully working Xamarin.Forms (Android and iOS). HAXM is running. Then I installed CocosSharp from nuget in my PCL project and both Android and iOS projects. iOS project works great but Android... not.

I have:

'Resource.String' does not contain a definition for `ApplicationName' 
'Resource.String' does not contain a definition for `Hello'

I looked for a solution, but all I found is that I have to Clean the solution. I did. It didn't work. I even closed the Visual Studio, removed packages folder, removed all bin/obj projects. Opened VS, again cleaned solution (just in case), rebuilt. The same error.

How can I fix this? Should I manually add String.xml to the project? Really?!

Thanks for help


  • How can I fix this? Should I manually add String.xml to the project? Really?!

    I made a demo and reproduced your problem. By opening the Resource.Designer.cs file I found that the following codes are automatically added to UpdateIdValues():

    global::CocosSharp.Forms.Android.Resource.String.ApplicationName = global::CocosSharpDemo.Droid.Resource.String.ApplicationName;
    global::CocosSharp.Forms.Android.Resource.String.Hello = global::CocosSharpDemo.Droid.Resource.String.Hello;

    By commenting out/deleting these two lines of codes, the application builds and runs correctly.

    Or, of course adding a strings.xml file with following codes to values folder also fix the problem:

        <string name="ApplicationName">your project name</string>
        <string name="Hello">hello</string>

    I have opened an issue on the project's Github.