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C++ - create a bucket of instantiations for any lambda

I want to create several instantiations of templated-lambda in one place. The number of instantiations and parameters of each are known at compilation time so I assume that this could be possible. This is generic illustration of what I want to do:

enum class Format
    //, ...

template<Format F>
struct SomeData

template < template<Format> typename Processing >
struct ProcessingForAllFormats
    Processing<Format::FORMAT_1> processingObject1;
    Processing<Format::FORMAT_2> processingObject2;

template < template<Format> typename Processing >
decltype(auto) makeProcessingForAllFormats(Processing lambda)
    //I know this function is completely wrong as
    //concrete instantation needs concrete type as an argument
    //instead of a template
    return ProcessingForAllFormats<Processing>();

int main() {
    auto processing = makeProcessingForAllFormats(
        [](SomeData<auto> data) {/*...*/}
    return 0;

This is simplified image of my problem. In one word - I want to store instantiations of processings for any SomeData objects for future use. I don't know if it is possible in C++14 or even C++17. And I know this would be easy if I use dynamic polymorphism instead of static one but performance means a lot for me in this case.


As TartanLlama noticed - using functors is indeed simpler to implement but much harder to use. I treat Format, SomeData and ProcessingForAllFormats like if it was a part of library/API and I want give user of that "liblary" as much ease-of-use as I can. Lambdas are intended to provide that. @AndyG's sugestion is useful - for lambdas ProcessingForAllFormats implementation must be diferent. But I don't have idea if lambda-templates in C++14/17 are powerful enough to build such API.


  • How about wrapping generic lambda with interface restricted to your desired types:

    enum class Format
        //, ...
    template<Format F>
    struct SomeData
    template <typename GenericProcessing, Format format>
    struct Restrictor
        Restrictor(GenericProcessing genericProcessingObject)
            : genericProcessingObject(genericProcessingObject)
        decltype(auto) operator()(SomeData<format> data)
            return genericProcessingObject(data);
        GenericProcessing genericProcessingObject;    
    template <typename GenericProcessing>
    struct ProcessingForAllFormats
        Restrictor<GenericProcessing, Format::FORMAT_1> processingObject1;
        Restrictor<GenericProcessing, Format::FORMAT_2> processingObject2;
        ProcessingForAllFormats(GenericProcessing genericProcessingObject)
            : processingObject1(genericProcessingObject)
            , processingObject2(genericProcessingObject)
    template <typename GenericProcessing>
    decltype(auto) makeProcessingForAllFormats(GenericProcessing genericProcessingObject)
        return ProcessingForAllFormats<GenericProcessing>(genericProcessingObject);
    int main() {
        auto processing = makeProcessingForAllFormats(
            [](auto data) {/*...*/});
        processing.processingObject1(SomeData<Format::FORMAT_1>{}); // ok
        //processing.processingObject1(SomeData<Format::FORMAT_2>{}); // fail by design, expects SomeData<Format::FORMAT_1>
        //processing.processingObject2(SomeData<Format::FORMAT_1>{}); // fail by design, expects SomeData<Format::FORMAT_2>
        processing.processingObject2(SomeData<Format::FORMAT_2>{}); // ok