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Formatting rows by month in Excel

Say i have an excel spreadsheet, and column A contains one day per row for the next however-many years.

How would I go about doing conditional formatting on the rows, so that each month has a different fill colour? (I don't mind if there are repeats, as long as consecutive months don't share a colour.)

My instinct would be to take the month as a number, and use that to formulate the rgb values to use (month*21.25 would spread the number over the colour scale) - but I don't know the way to set the colour that way in excel. I can see how to do a binary (if month%2=0 then highlight, otherwise don't; maybe?) - but not a conditional formatting formula where the colour depends on the value in that way.

Any advice would be appreciated.


  • You can format all the months that have an odd number by creating a conditional format formula =isodd(month(A1)) (change the A1 to the column where your dates are)

    If you want to apply this format to multiple columns, then use a $ to specify an absolute reference for the column containing the date (but not the row): =isodd(month($A1))