Search code examples

Iterating over a paged fhir response

I've ran a query on a hapi fhir database which has returned a paged result back to me. I'm using hapi base in java to actually do the search, as per the documentation here:

    Bundle bundle =;
    do {

        for (Entry entry: bundle.getEntry())

        if (bundle.getLink(Bundle.LINK_NEXT) != null)
            bundle = client.loadPage().next(bundle).execute();
            bundle = null;
    while (bundle != null);

The code runs as far as getting the first bundle, and prints out the urls as expected, however when it tries to execute the next bundle, I get a ConnectionException 'Connection refused: connect'.

The server still appears to be responsive however as I can rerun my program and have the exact same result returned.

Any idea why the connection would be being refused? I get a similar issue when I try to run it manually from postman.


  • Just in case anyone stumbles across this. I had some sort of redirection going on (setup by another member of my team). Essentially my base url was localhost:8080, but the next address was returning as localhost:1080 (which I don't entirely understand why).

    He changed a config in the server to make it not redirect.