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MYSQL Limiting left join query

I have a query which uses a few left joins to bring back data. The dilemma is that i want to LIMIT and also ORDER BY the results from one of the left joins and thus limiting the total numbers of rows brought back.

The table i am trying to order and limit is table4

My query:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS e.meta_1, a.requestid, b.clientid, c.job_description, d.forename
FROM quotations_request AS a 

 LEFT JOIN table1 AS b ON (a.assigned_to = b.userid) 
 LEFT JOIN table2 AS c ON (a.job_costing = c.jobid) 
 LEFT JOIN table3 AS d ON (a.clientid = d.clientid) 
 LEFT JOIN table4 AS e ON (e.quotationid = a.requestid)

 WHERE a.archived = '0' AND (e.meta_1 = LCASE('requested') )

What i have tried:

SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS statuss.meta_1, a.requestid, b.clientid, c.job_description, d.forename,
 FROM quotations_request AS a 

 LEFT JOIN table1 AS b ON (a.assigned_to = b.userid) 
 LEFT JOIN table2 AS c ON (a.job_costing = c.jobid) 
 LEFT JOIN table3 AS d ON (a.clientid = d.clientid) 
 LEFT JOIN (Select meta_1 from table4 where quotationid = a.requestid ORDER BY uploaded_date DESC LIMIT 0, 1) 
 as statuss ON (statuss.quotationid = a.requestid)

 WHERE a.archived = '0' AND (statuss.meta_1 = LCASE('requested') )

The result:

After trying the above I got an error saying a.requestid is unkown in the where clause ( for the last left join)


  • Try this:

    SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS statuss.meta_1, a.requestid, b.clientid, c.job_description, d.forename
     FROM quotations_request AS a 
     LEFT JOIN table1 AS b ON (a.assigned_to = b.userid) 
     LEFT JOIN table2 AS c ON (a.job_costing = c.jobid) 
     LEFT JOIN table3 AS d ON (a.clientid = d.clientid) 
     LEFT JOIN (
        select *
        from (select
                @rn := if(quotationid = @qid, @rn + 1, 
                    if(@qid := quotationid, 1, 1)
                ) rn
            from (
            select *
            from table4
            order by quotationid, uploaded_date desc) t cross join (
                select @rn := 0, @qid := -1
            ) t2
        ) t where rn = 1
     as statuss ON (statuss.quotationid = a.requestid)
     WHERE a.archived = '0' AND (statuss.meta_1 = LCASE('requested') )

    The user variables @rn and @qid are used to find the top 1 row from table4 with latest uploaded_date and then join it with the other tables