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launchimage : forge default launchimage is displayed before mine

I use the latest version of forge (latest stable version of forge -2.5.1 - and of all modules like launchimage 2.12), but when i launch app on ios 9 or 10, i can see 2 or 3 seconds, the default " Forge" splash screen before mine.

Is it a new "commercial" displayed recently ? Or is it a bug ?


  • As of iOS 10 Apple caches the launchimage the first time the app is launched. Unfortunately there is a bug with the implementation in that it does not pick up on subsequent changes to the launchimage!

    The workaround is as follows:

    • Uninstall your app from the device.
    • Reboot your device. (Very important, the cache won't get cleared if you just delete the app)
    • Reinstall the app with the new launch image.