Using C# (.NET 4.5) I want to copy a set of files to multiple locations (e.g. the contents of a folder to 2 USB drives attached to the computer).
Is there a more efficient way of doing that then just using foreach loops and File.Copy
Working towards a (possible) solution.
My first thought was some kind of multi-threaded approach. After some reading and research I discovered that just blindly setting up some kind of parallel and/or async process is not a good idea when it comes to IO (as per Why is Parallel.ForEach much faster then AsParallel().ForAll() even though MSDN suggests otherwise?).
The bottleneck is the disk, especially if it's a traditional drive, as it can only read/write synchronously. That got me thinking, what if I read it once then output it in multiple locations? After all, in my USB drive scenario I'm dealing with multiple (output) disks.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to do that though. One I idea I saw (Copy same file from multiple threads to multiple destinations) was to just read all the bytes of each file into memory then loop through the destinations and write out the bytes to each location before moving onto the next file. It seems that's a bad idea if the files might be large. Some of the files I'll be copying will be videos and could be 1 GB (or more). I can't imagine it's a good idea to load a 1 GB file into memory just to copy it to another disk?
So, allowing flexibility for larger files, the closest I've gotten is below (based off How to copy one file to many locations simultaneously). The problem with this code is that I've still not got a single read and multi-write happening. It's currently multi-read and multi-write. Is there a way to further optimise this code? Could I read chunks into memory then write that chunk to each destination before moving onto the next chunk (like the idea above but chunked files instead of whole)?
files.ForEach(fileDetail =>
Parallel.ForEach(fileDetail.DestinationPaths, new ParallelOptions(),
destinationPath =>
using (var source = new FileStream(fileDetail.SourcePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
using (var destination = new FileStream(destinationPath, FileMode.Create))
var buffer = new byte[1024];
int read;
while ((read = source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
destination.Write(buffer, 0, read);
IO operations in general should be considered as asynchronous
as there is some hardware operations which are run outside your code, so you can try to introduce some async/await
constructs for read/write operations, so you can continue the execution during hardware operations.
while ((read = await source.ReadAsync(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
await destination.WriteAsync(buffer, 0, read);
You also must to mark your lambda delegate as async
to make this work:
async destinationPath =>
And you should await the resulting tasks all the way. You may find more information here :