I'm thinking to develop a custom keyboard in C#-xamarin. But there's no documentation for this. The documentation is only available for java. So, I want to know that can somebody please guide me that how to develop custom keyboard in C# xamarin? also, is it possible to detect swipe up/down/right/left gestures on every key? Seeking for the help.
I only tried to make my phone into a custom tablet for my PC before(not using C# and xamarin) so I may not be effective in helping you but I found one source-code that may help/interest you : https://github.com/Vaikesh/CustomKeyboard
And yes, it is possible to detect swipe up/down/right/left gestures on every key provided that the keys are large enough. (Don't expect every tiny key to correctly/accurately detect swipe-directions)
And like what @Vlad Matvienko commented, I don't think you should be trying it. But if its for personal use or just for fun, then go ahead.