I have really small project with single .html file and one .js file. The problem that I used asyn/await functions so I need to convert it to es5 to be sure that everything works fine.
So, my .html file looks like this:
...//page markup
<script src="dist/myCodeAsES5.js"></script>
var obj = new MyClass();
And here my src.js
class MyClass{
this.calculate = async function () {
await func1();
async function func1() {
for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
await func2(); // await in loop until func2() completed
async function func2() {
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
await func3(); //wait until func3 and then continue looping
function func3() {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1000));
Now the main question- how to convert it to es5 so it can be 100% woks in Internet Explorer. I had read a lot about "babel" but everything that I found is not understandable or out of date. So can somebody write a short step-by-step guide how to install and compile that small project?
assuming you want to quickly run a script to transpile your es5 code with babel follow these instructions:
first thing you have todo is to setup a little node project. if you have never setup a node project goto: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
as soon as you have npm globally you can goto your project folder and type:
npm init
this will create you a package.json file.
goto: https://babeljs.io/docs/setup/#installation
and click on CLI
and follow all the mentioned steps.
Make sure you install the correct presets for babel to transpile async await. You'll need the es2015 and stage3 preset and the runtime plugin.