In ASP.NET MVC5 application, I have multiple CSS and JS files that I'm trying to bundle them using below code
bundles.Add(new StyleBundle("~/myBundles/css").Include(
I use it in _Layout page like this:
When using it, I see below in the hmlt source of my page
<link href="/myBundles/css?v=xt5fim6H60Umm4DuM_5iVudeIEOkrcbgXzG0o3CHtlU1" rel="stylesheet"/>
After using this, my web pages are not showing properly. I think it's because I am bundling files from different directories. Is that right? How can I resolve the issue?
Don’t use @import
css directives when bundling styles. If you publish a release build of your site it didn't work. If you inspect the network traffic [F12], you see the imported css file is not found on the network, because optimization don't replace @import
url with the correct path.
So, Don’t use bundling with imported css-files OR turn off bundling optimization and optimize them by another way.
Optimization can be turned off by the following line in Web.Config:
<compilation debug="true" targetFramework="4.5"/>
Also, you can use this code in C#:
BundleTable.EnableOptimizations = false;