I've implemented a smart table in my page through ng-include
and the st-search
doesn't work. Here's my code :
<div class="horizontal-scroll" ng-controller="SmartTableController">
<div class="form-group select-page-size-wrap ">
<label>Rows on page
<select class="form-control selectpicker show-tick" title="Rows on page" selectpicker
ng-model="smartTablePageSize" ng-options="i for i in [5,10,15,20,25]">
<table class="table" st-table="displayedData" st-safe-src="smartTableData" >
<tr class="sortable ">
<th class="table-id" st-sort="id" st-sort-default="true">#</th>
<th st-sort="firstname">Prénom</th>
<th st-sort="lastname">Nom</th>
<th st-sort="role">Rôle</th>
<th st-sort="email">Email</th>
<th st-sort="chargeRate">Taux de charge</th>
<th><input st-search="firstname" placeholder="Chercher Prénom" class="input-sm form-control search-input"
<th><input st-search="lastname" placeholder="Chercher Nom" class="input-sm form-control search-input"
<th><input st-search="role" placeholder="Chercher Rôle" class="input-sm form-control search-input"
<th><input st-search="email" placeholder="Chercher Email" class="input-sm form-control search-input" type="search"/>
<th><input st-search="chargeRate" placeholder="Chercher Taux de charge" class="input-sm form-control search-input" type="search"/>
<tr ng-repeat="item in displayedData">
<td class="table-id">{{item.id}}</td>
<td><a class="email-link" ng-href="mailto:{{item.email}}">{{item.email}}</a></td>
<td colspan="6" class="text-center">
<div st-pagination="" st-items-by-page="smartTablePageSize" st-displayed-pages="5"></div>
and then I'm getting the data from rest application and here's my controller :
function SmartTableController ($log, $scope, smartTableFactory) {
$scope.smartTableData = [];
$scope.selectedUsers = {};
$scope.smartTablePageSize = 10;
* Get Smart Table data
$scope.getSmartTableData = function () {
.success(function (data) {
$scope.smartTableData = data;
$scope.displayedData = angular.copy($scope.smartTableData);
console.log(" Data : " , data);
$scope.displayedData = $scope.smartTableData;
.error(function (data, status) {
$scope.addMessage = "Erreur data : " + data + ' ' + status;
$log.log(data.error + '' + status);
My service works fine and I'm getting data plus it does show on the table, I just can't search.
Any help will be appreciated. Thanks
I have tried. Conclusionly Your code may happens $http error not smart table one. JSFiddle
I could filter all columns except 'role' column when I used these JSON data.
$scope.smartTableData =
{ firstname: 1, lastname: 'aaaa', role: [{ name: 'employee1' }], chargeRate: 10, email: 'aaaa@' },
{ firstname: 2, lastname: 'bbbb', role: [{ name: 'employee2' }], chargeRate: 20, email: 'bbbb@' },
{ firstname: 3, lastname: 'cccc', role: [{ name: 'employee3' }], chargeRate: 30, email: 'cccc@' },
{ firstname: 4, lastname: 'dddd', role: [{ name: 'employee4' }], chargeRate: 40, email: 'dddd@' }
Please confirm whether your data is JSON format correctly or not.
In 'role' column, you should code like this.
OK <input st-search="role.name"
NG <input st-search="role"
And I think you don't have to code this part because it's unnecessary.
$scope.displayedData = angular.copy($scope.smartTableData);
$scope.displayedData = $scope.smartTableData;