I am trying to clone this project and import it into Eclipse.
It was initially made in Intellij.
This is what I see after the project into Eclipse
I'am trying to run the program and get a simple output of "Hello"
However when I right click the project and set up a new run configuration for a Java application, the project doesn't even show up when I try to browse for it. Even when I type the name of the project, Eclipse tells me it can't find the project even through it's in my workplace.(shown below)
Does anyone know what the issue is? I tried making a new Java Project, copying over the files Stoking didn't have(.settings, .project, etc) but that didn't work. I also tried looking at these two links - link 1 and link 2 but the original project isn't a Maven project.
I can see from your screenshot, that the project does not have the Java facet (the icon doesn't have a J
Go into your eclipse workspace and type:
git clone https://github.com/ssharif6/StocKing.git
Then, in Eclipse choose File -> new -> Java Project
and enter StocKing
for the Project Name
field. It will create the project using the files already present in the StocKing folder.