Ok, so I have an animationnthe speed of which is controlled by user's tapping m meaning I cant just lerp for a set time but have to have it depend on if this is true:
cameraAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0).IsName ("stillOpening")
By the end of this animation (no matter how long it took, fast or slow) I need this float in my material to have lerped to its final value:
skybox.SetFloat ("_Exponent1",Mathf.Lerp(skybox.GetFloat("_Exponent1"), topSkyBoxOpen, ratio));
Meaning it has to be equal to topSkyBoxOpen at the end of "stillOpening". I don't know how to coordinate the timing.
I have tried this in the Update():
void openSkyLerp()
float ratio = 0;
float duration = 0.5f; // this is the one that will control how long it takes
// value is in second
float multiplier = 1 / duration;
while (cameraAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo (0).IsName ("stillOpening")) {
ratio += Time.deltaTime * multiplier;
skybox.SetFloat ("_Exponent1",Mathf.Lerp(skybox.GetFloat("_Exponent1"), topSkyBoxOpen, ratio));
But nothing happens at all - I read this might be because its trying to have it all lerp in 1 frame. Is this possible? How can I lerp WHILE an animation is playing regardless of its speed?
Meaning it has to be equal to topSkyBoxOpen at the end of "stillOpening". I don't know how to coordinate the timing.
The problem is that you are not even waiting for a frame. So, even if your equation is correct, all those cannot happen smoothly in a single frame. You wait for a frame with yield return null;
and that requires coroutine.
Answered a very similar but not the-same question few hours ago.
If the stillOpening
variable is the destination value, get the current _Exponent1
value before going into the while loop. Have a counter variable that increments each frame while counter is less than topSkyBoxOpen
. You can then use Mathf.Lerp(currentVal, topSkyBoxOpen, counter / duration);
in the SetFloat
bool running = false;
void openSkyLerp()
if (running)
running = true;
IEnumerator OpenSky(float duration)
float currentVal = skybox.GetFloat("_Exponent1");
float counter = 0;
while (counter < topSkyBoxOpen)
//Exit if not still opening
if (!cameraAnim.GetCurrentAnimatorStateInfo(0).IsName("stillOpening"))
yield break;
counter = counter + Time.deltaTime;
float val = Mathf.Lerp(currentVal, topSkyBoxOpen, counter / duration);
skybox.SetFloat("_Exponent1", val);
yield return null; //Wait for a frame
running = false;