I have downloaded the code from here. Then from the command-line I navigated to the root folder of the project. Then I tried to add Android platform by running cordova platform add android
. But I got the following error:
Installing "cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore" for android
Plugin doesn't support this project's cordova-android version. cordova-android:
6.0.0, failed version requirement: >=5.1.1 <6
Skipping 'cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore' for android
Do I have to install cordova-android earlier that 6.0.0? what if I want to work with the latest version?
At this time cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore does not support [email protected]. This is known and being handled by the MobileFirst Foundation team.
Please keep a look out for an upcoming MobileFirst Foundation 8.0 iFix that will update the cordova-plugin-mfp-jsonstore to support [email protected].
At this time please use an earlier version of cordova-android.