I'm using the STL priority_queue to collect objects of my own class Lettura.
enum Priority {zero, standard, urgent};
class Lettura{
int valore;
char sensore;
Priority priorita;
Lettura(): valore(0),sensore('\0'),priorita(zero){}
Lettura(const int val, const char s='\0', const Priority p=zero): valore(val),sensore(s), priorita(p){}
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Lettura & lett);
I want them to be popped in order of decrescent "priorita", but I also want same-priority elements to be popped with FIFO policy like in a normal queue. I get same-priority elements in a random order:
top: l5 urgent
top: l1 standard
top: l4 standard
top: l6 standard
top: l2 standard
top: l3 standard
I would like same-priority elements in a FIFO order:
top: l5 urgent
top: l1 standard
top: l2 standard
top: l3 standard
top: l4 standard
top: l6 standard
This is my code:
int main() {
std::priority_queue<Lettura, std::vector<Lettura>, std::less<Lettura> > coda;
Lettura l1(50,'a',standard);
Lettura l2(50,'b',standard);
Lettura l3(120,'c',standard);
Lettura l4(100,'d',standard);
Lettura l5(30,'e',urgent);
Lettura l6(35,'f',standard);
cout<<"top: "<<coda.top()<<"\n"; coda.pop();
cout<<"top: "<<coda.top()<<"\n"; coda.pop();
cout<<"top: "<<coda.top()<<"\n"; coda.pop();
cout<<"top: "<<coda.top()<<"\n"; coda.pop();
cout<<"top: "<<coda.top()<<"\n"; coda.pop();
cout<<"top: "<<coda.top()<<"\n"; coda.pop();
I have implemented these comparison methods:
bool operator<(const Lettura& l1, const Lettura& l2){
return l1.priorita < l2.priorita;
bool operator<=(const Lettura& l1, const Lettura& l2){
return l1.priorita <= l2.priorita;
I have also tried with different queue constructors but unsuccessfully:
std::priority_queue<Lettura> coda;
std::priority_queue<Lettura, std::vector<Lettura>, std::less_equal<Lettura> > coda;
Can somebody help me?
Your code appears to be working, in that you get the urgent items out first. There is no sub-ordering by insertion time in a heap based priority queue, so you will get the items with the same priority out in an undefined order, except that they will be after items with a higher priority. You need to add an extra field, such as time put into queue, and use that along with your Priority enum in your comparison operator.