I am trying to create an app in java using OpenCV to grab videostream from web service which is a camera system with couple of cameras and a recording device.
I have found the address "rtsp://login:pass@IP address:Port/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0" for accessing the camera on channel 1.
For opening camera stream I have used this code (curently it catches a local usb camera):
VideoCapture cap; Mat2Image mat2Img = new Mat2Image();
public VideoGrabber(){
cap = new VideoCapture(0);
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Camera on..");
System.out.println("Camera Error");
System.out.println("Camera OK?");
After grabbing the video stream I put it into a JFrame.
I think I should put the video streaming service address in cap.open( ... ) but using rtsp://login:pass@ gave me "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Width (0) and height (0) must be > 0".
Please help,
EDIT I have found out that rtsp://login:pass@ works in vlc but still no luck in opencv.
EDIT #2 Ok. After playing with vlcl, gstreamer and most of the popular solutions it just started working. I don't know if it wasn't bad rtsp address after all. Code:
static {
//load the library of opencv
VideoCapture cap;
Mat2Image mat2Img = new Mat2Image();
Mat matFilter = new Mat();
public VideoGrabber(){
cap = new VideoCapture();
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
System.out.println("Camera on..");
System.out.println("Camera Error");
System.out.println("Camera OK?");
Answering my question and for Fouad I post the working code: I am guessing the answer was loading ffmpeg dll.
//all the imports
public class App {
static {
String path = null;
try {
//I have copied dlls from opencv folder to my project folder
path = "E:\\JAVA Projects\\OpenCv\\RTSP Example\\libraries";
} catch (UnsatisfiedLinkError e) {
System.out.println("Error loading libs");
public static void main(String[] args) {
App app = new App();
//Address can be different. Check your cameras manual. :554 a standard RTSP port for cameras but it can be different
String addressString = "rtsp://login:password@";
Mat mat = new Mat();
VideoCapture capturedVideo = new VideoCapture();
boolean isOpened = capturedVideo.open(addressString);
app.openRTSP(isOpened, capturedVideo, mat);
public void openRTSP(boolean isOpened, VideoCapture capturedVideo, Mat cameraMat) {
if (isOpened) {
boolean tempBool = capturedVideo.read(cameraMat);
System.out.println("VideoCapture returned mat? "+tempBool);
if (!cameraMat.empty()) {
System.out.println("Print image size: "+cameraMat.size());
//processing image captured in cameraMat object
} else {
System.out.println("Mat is empty.");
} else {
System.out.println("Camera connection problem. Check addressString");