I'm developing a mobile app to communicate with Bluetooth Module. I'm sending data through android app & receiving it on BLE module.
I'm using cordova & BLE central plugin for cordova to communicate with the device from android.
App seems to work fine but there is something wrong with Uint8 buffer.
I'm trying to send string as follow :
var data : 'action/523';
I'm using following function to convert string to array buffer before I finally send data to BLE device
function stringToArrayBuffer(str) {
// assuming 8 bit bytes
var ret = new Uint8Array(str.length);
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
ret[i] = str.charCodeAt(i);
return ret.buffer;
var data = stringToArrayBuffer(data);
ble.writeWithoutResponse(app.connectedPeripheral.id, SERVICE_UUID, WRITE_UUID, data, success, failure);
I'm using a simple device specific function to receive data on the BLE device as follow
void SimbleeBLE_onReceive(char *data, int len) {
Serial.print(data); //prints 'action/523';
Now this works fine but later when I send string as follow
var data : 'action/3';
It just replaces first digit of the integer & append previous integer value 3[23] 'action/323/';
It happens every time I try to send 2 or more digit value first followed by lesser digit value later
Why so ? Is there anything such as buffer cache ?
On your devide part, it looks like you are receiving 2 datas:
You should NULL terminate your received string
void SimbleeBLE_onReceive(char *data, int len)
char tmp[256]={0};
This way, on your second call, you should see action/3 instead of action/323/