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Images as nodes on a javascript based particle network effect?

I am trying to create a javascript based particle network with my own 20 circular images as its 20 different nodes.

I have tried using various available libraries and modifying them in the process but have no success yet - This library is the closest I could find and come to customising my solution.

Any pointers would certainly help.

Thank you!


  • Please see below edited particle.js file for my implementation.

         "particles": {
         "number": {
          "value": 80,
          "density": {
            "enable": true,
            "value_area": 800
        "color": {
          "value": "#90a3ad"
        "shape": {
          "type": ["image", "image2", "image3", "image4", "image5", "image6", "image7", "image8", "image9", "image10", "image11", "image12"],
          "stroke": {
            "width": 7,
            "color": "#094d8d"
          "polygon": {
            "nb_sides": 5
          "image": {
            "src": "./img/4.png",
            "width": 270,
            "height": 270
        "size": {
          "value": 30,
          "random": true,
          "anim": {
            "enable": false,
            "speed": 40,
            "size_min": 25,
            "sync": true
        "line_linked": {
          "enable": true,
          "distance": 170,
          "color": "#90a3ad",
          "width": 3
        "move": {
          "enable": true,
          "speed": 4.810236182596568,
          "direction": "none",
          "random": true,
          "straight": false,
          "out_mode": "bounce",
          "bounce": false,
          "attract": {
            "enable": true,
            "rotateX": 3768.0183430339785,
            "rotateY": 3768.0183430339785
      "interactivity": {
        "detect_on": "canvas",
        "events": {
          "onhover": {
            "enable": false,
            "mode": "repulse"
          "onclick": {
            "enable": false,
            "mode": "push"
          "resize": true
        "modes": {
          "grab": {
            "distance": 400,
            "line_linked": {
              "opacity": 1
          "bubble": {
            "distance": 400,
            "size": 40,
            "duration": 2,
            "opacity": 8,
            "speed": 3
          "repulse": {
            "distance": 200,
            "duration": 0.4
          "push": {
            "particles_nb": 4
          "remove": {
            "particles_nb": 2