I am creating a budget and general ledger and I need the dollar amount I enter to add to a cell that is specified by the GL Code.
When the "GL Code" for that line is labelled "Council Food" or the number I will represent it with on the disbursement form, I want the dollar amount for that entry (22.50) to add to the cell I've selected on the Master Budget sheet. I want to be able to do this for all of the different lines in the Master Budget.
I think the SUMIFS function might help you toward this. For example:
=SUMIFS('Disbursement Ledger'!$B:$B,'Disbursement Ledger'!$F:$F,"Council Food")
will sum everything in column B from the "Disbursement Ledger" sheet where column F has the text "Council Food".
However, you should probably add a column to your "Master Budget" sheet that contains the GL Codes for each line. Let's say you put the GL Codes in column H (so, H36 would be "Council Food"), then your formula for G36 would be:
=SUMIFS('Disbursement Ledger'!$B:$B,'Disbursement Ledger'!$F:$F,$H36)
So, if your next entry in the disbursement ledger was for $10.00 and had a GL Code of "Council Food", then your G36 cell on the "Master Budget" sheet would then show $32.50.