Hi i have been looking for a solution to unlink my chart (within the same worksheet) from the values. For this I would usually select the data, go into formulas (F2), press F9 and enter
my series would be turned into numbers. I automated this as sendkeys, i know there is another option online, but I want the solution as sendkeys. Basically select Data>F2>F9>Enter. This works fine if i do it manually.
My VBa code looks like this
Application.SendKeys ("^{s}")
Application.SendKeys ("{f2}"), True
Application.SendKeys ("{f9}"), True
Application.SendKeys ("{f9}"), True
Application.SendKeys ("~"), True
Application.SendKeys ("^{s}")
Application.SendKeys ("{f2}"), True
Application.SendKeys ("{f9}"), True
Application.SendKeys ("~"), True
Yet, one half of the 2nd set of data is still linked.
Thank you for your help in advance - LGR
You can do something like this to convert the Series.Values
from a reference to a Range
, to the actual underlying values.
Sub foo()
Dim cht As Chart
Dim srs As Series
Set cht = ActiveChart
For Each srs In cht.SeriesCollection
srs.Values = srs.Values
End Sub