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How to run chromium on the the occulus rift dk2 screens?

I have a Occulus DK2. I'm using the newest occulus app 1.1 from the official website. The occulus is working great, I am in the standard room you get spawned in and I can launch the dreamdeck demo and everything works. Now I followed the instructions on how to use the experimental chromium build here, but chromium shows up on my default pc monitor, instead of the occulus. How do I see the webbrowser on the occulus? What I did is download the browser, enable the two settings that are specified and then start the browser. Is there something more I need to do?


  • I don't know, but yesterday the VR did not recognize the browser, today I started it again and it alteast loaded the chrome.exe. I got an error message and found this issue. As mentioned there not all webVR examples work atm. I was trying this but it was not working, but using example 4 it finally worked. I guess it's a little buggy and you need to restart both the device and the browser a few times untill it works. Will leave the question open, if somebody else has a better advice then just to restart many times.

    EDIT: I noticed 2 things. 1) It does like it when I plug it in immediately after plugging out my big tv, I don't know why but I tested this and it helped. 2) It does not like it if a WebVR capabable browser already is running when you plug it in. Even when restarting it will not start the browser application, so be sure that the browser is not running while initializing the occulus.