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How to make sphinx document via pdflatex \raggedright?

How can I render reST document with \raggedright command applied to all the text if I use pdflatex?


  • Use a custom template.

    In the following example, I'll be using xelatex. I would copy the default template for xelatex from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/docutils/writers/latex2e/xelatex.tex to a file called mytemplate.tex

    The default template looks like this:

    $head_prefix% generated by Docutils <>
    % rubber: set program xelatex
    % \defaultfontfeatures{Scale=MatchLowercase}
    %%% Custom LaTeX preamble
    %%% User specified packages and stylesheets
    %%% Fallback definitions for Docutils-specific commands
    %%% Body

    You could add \raggedright just after \begin{document}.

    For rendering the document, I'd use the following commands:

    rst2xetex --template=mytemplate.tex --use-latex-docinfo mydoc.rst
    xelatex mydoc.tex
    xelatex mydoc.tex
    rm -f *.out *.aux *.log mydoc.tex

    (This is on a UNIX-like operating system.)