I can view a list of running jobs on YARN at this URI:
Further I can access job specific information by opening the TrackingUI:
However, when I do this, I only get the HTML document, none of the other required .js, .css and .png files :
GET https://server.company.com:8443/gateway/yarnui/yarn/proxy/application_1481927689976_0178
200 OK (text/html)
GET https://server.company com:8443/proxy/application_1481927689976_0178/static/bootstrap.min.css
404 Not Found (text/html)
If I go directly to the server on which the job is running :
Everything works fine:
GET http://server2.company.com:8088/proxy/application_1481927689976_0178
200 OK (text/html)
GET http://server2.company:8088/proxy/application_1481927689976_0178/static/bootstrap.min.css
200 OK (text/css)
Sounds like a YARN config issue – but I’ve set the yarn.resourcemanager.webapp.address to the correct value:
Any ideas why I can’t access these files?
IBM's support fix addresses this exact issue: http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg21980169