I'm starting with service-workers (a bit late to the party, but better then never), and I place my <script>if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {..}</script>
snippet at the very bottom, bellow my other snippet (System.import(...)
Is that a good place for it? Where else should I put the standard script snippet on a page: head or maybe start of body? Or put it externally in another script?
More important - why?
Depending on how heavyweight your service worker is, and how much JavaScript needs to execute on your page during the initial visit, it may or may not make a difference. But you can read this article on service worker registration best practices for more insight as to when it might matter.
The takeaway from the article is that a reasonable pattern is to use
if ('serviceWorker' in navigator) {
window.addEventListener('load', function() {
to register your service worker. That could appear pretty much anywhere on your page, as long as it runs before the load
event is fired.