I have a piece of statement that I don't understand how to model it in a class diagram. It is about Formula 1 races. The piece is the following:
We can only have one race per circuit in each season
So there is a relationship between CIRCUIT, SEASON and RACE.
I believe that it is a ternary association, but a mate told me that it could be an association between CIRCUIT - SEASON and then an association between that association and RACE:
Is that picture wrong? I mean, association should be between 2 classes as far as I know. Not between a class and an association...
Thank's you very much!!!!
EDIT: The statement was wrong, I restated it and could be translated in: (imagine we have 3 circuits)
We can only have 1 race per circuit in each season
To make Race
an association class as desired, make the horizontal connector dashed and remove the multiplicities. The above currently shows sort of a ternary connector (see discussion).
This is equivalent to
The multiplicity 0..1
tells that there is one or no race per season and circuit.