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How can I use outputcache at this situation?

In my application, I will remember user's language choice in session. The problem is if I use output cache, then the change language function will not work, because it caches the result when I retrieve from database according to the Session["lang"] value.

So if I have another method to use cache function ? Or how can I decrease the response time ?


  • Part of the Output Caching infrastructure is the VaryBy mechanism, which is a way to instruct ASP.NET to keep parallel caches of the same page varied by some piece of data, like a querystring. In this case, the VaryByCustom mechanism may be the simplest to implement. Here's a short article with a good example.

    First, the caching attribute:

    [OutputCache(CacheProfile = "CachedPage")]
    public ActionResult Index()
       return View();

    The cache profile:

                <add varybycustom="Language"
                     name="CachedPage" />

    And finally, the custom logic in global.asax.cs:

    public override string GetVaryByCustomString(
        HttpContext context,
        string arg)
        if (arg == "Language")
             return Session["lang"].ToString();
            return base.GetVaryByCustomString(context, arg);

    Now for each possible unique value that Session["lang"] returns, ASP.NET will keep a cached copy of the page which executed under that parameter.