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Automapper (5.1.1) ForAllMembers - Get name of the current property

Here is my problem, in Condition I want to get to the name of the current property being evaluated. I believe you could do this in earlier versions of Automapper. Any suggestions?

public class SandBox
    public class MySource
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Count { get; set; }

    public class MyDestination
        public string Name { get; set; }
        public int Count { get; set; }

    public class SourceProfile : Profile
        public SourceProfile()
            this.CreateMap<MySource, MyDestination>()
                .ForAllMembers(x => x.Condition((source, destination, arg3, arg4, resolutionContext) =>
                    // this will run twice (once for every property)
                    // but how can I find out, what the current property is?

                    return true;

    public SandBox()
        Mapper.Initialize(x =>
            x.AddProfile(new SourceProfile());

    public void Run()
        var s = new MySource { Name = "X", Count = 42 };
        var r = Mapper.Map<MyDestination>(s);
        Assert.AreEqual(s.Name, r.Name);


  • Try the following:

    this.CreateMap<MySource, MyDestination>()
                .ForAllMembers(x => x.Condition((source, destination, arg3, arg4, resolutionContext) =>
                    // this will run twice (once for every property)
                    // but how can I find out, what the current property is?
                    Debug.WriteLine($"Mapping to {destination.GetType().Name}.{x.DestinationMember.Name}");
                    return true;