Nice to meet you. I have some problem.
How to HTML or JavaScript disable cookies?
All Internet's answer is expired time set to yesterday. Like under the code.
var date = new Date();
date.setDate(date.getDate() - 1);
var willCookie = '';
willCookie += 'CookieName=Value';
willCookie += 'expires' + date.toUTCString();
document.cookie = willCookie;
How to don't create cookies in HTML or JavaScript? not browser.
It will block if the cookie is being set
if(!document.__defineGetter__) {
Object.defineProperty(document, 'cookie', {
get: function(){return ''},
set: function(){return true},
} else {
document.__defineGetter__("cookie", function() { return '';} );
document.__defineSetter__("cookie", function() {} );
For PHP:
$dirty = false;
foreach(headers_list() as $header) {
if($dirty) continue; // I already know it needs to be cleaned
if(preg_match('/Set-Cookie/',$header)) $dirty = true;
if($dirty) {
$phpversion = explode('.',phpversion());
if($phpversion[1] >= 3) {
header_remove('Set-Cookie'); // php 5.3
} else {
header('Set-Cookie:'); // php 5.2
<script type="text/javascript">
// remember, these are the possible parameters for Set_Cookie:
// name, value, expires, path, domain, secure
Set_Cookie( 'test', 'none', '', '/', '', '' );
// if Get_Cookie succeeds, cookies are enabled, since
//the cookie was successfully created.
if ( Get_Cookie( 'test' ) )
document.write( 'cookies are currently enabled.' );
this is an example of a set cookie variable, if
you want to use this on the page or on another script
instead of writing to the page you would just check that value
for true or false and then do what you need to do.
cookie_set = true;
// and these are the parameters for Delete_Cookie:
// name, path, domain
// make sure you use the same parameters in Set and Delete Cookie.
Delete_Cookie('test', '/', '');
// if the Get_Cookie test fails, cookies are not enabled for this session.
else {
document.write('cookies are not currently enabled.');
cookie_set = false;