class Equipment has_many :equipment_maintenances
and accepts_nested_attributes_for : equipment_maintenances, allow_destroy: true
class EquipmentMaintenance has_many :equipment_maintenanceitems
and accepts_nested_attributes_for : equipment_maintenanceitems, allow_destroy: true
The following form can properly generate the HTML to update the grandchildren (i.e. name="equipment[equipment_maintenance_attributes][0][equipment_maintenanceitems_attributes][1][active]"
as follows:
<%= form_for @equipments do |equipment| %>
<% @equipment_maintenances.each do |equipment_maintenance| %>
<%= equipment.fields_for :equipment_maintenance do |em| %>
<%= em.fields_for :equipment_maintenanceitems do |f| %>
<%= f.check_box :active %>
<%= f.text_field :order %>
<%# %>
<%= :frequenc, [3,4,6,12] %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= equipment.submit %>
<% end %>
However, I have not found the proper syntax to reference the name of the grandchild
Update While the original question was properly answered, the question was incompletely stated. EquipmentMaintenanceItem belongs_to :ordinary_maintenanceitem
and the goal is to get
Under the original formulation of the question, the answer is:
<%= %>
Under the updated context, the answer is:
<%= OrdinaryMaintenanceItem('id = ?',f.object.maintenanceitem_id).pluck("name") %>
not very efficient and needs to be cleaned up for array and string symbology...