I cant seem to get the file to save in the folder with a "," in it.
string myDir = @"S:\\Shared\\SFD\\SFD Analysis\\2016-12-30, Collab Care\\";
Any thoughts. I used a literal string, which fixed the spaces, but I would like to reference Windows Filenames with "," in them? Thanks
You're using the verbatim string literal operator @ and escaping the path delimiter
string myDir = @"S:\\Shared\\SFD\\SFD Analysis\\2016-12-30, Collab Care\\";
Try either
string myDir = @"S:\Shared\SFD\SFD Analysis\2016-12-30, Collab Care\";
string myDir = "S:\\Shared\\SFD\\SFD Analysis\\2016-12-30, Collab Care\\";