I have a build machine setup with Visual Studio 2015 Update 3 and sonnarqube msbuild scanner On the sonar server side (6.2), I have c# plug-in version
Upon analysing projects, some code smells are not found in the c# files.
I have verified that :
I have deleted the whole project in sonarqube and re-run the analysis multiple times. For example in a particular .cs file I have the comment density code smell working correcly. However, the rule about handling TODO (s1135) is not working even though I have multiple TODO in the file. Same goes for the rule "Boolean checks should not be inverted" (S1940) that I introduced in the code for testing purpose.
What could cause those issues to not be reported?
I have moved everything to a new build server. Using the same setup and project, all the issues are now correctly reported.