I have two web page and one user control pages in my .aspx project.
I click a javascript link to open a popup window (FileUpload.aspx) in Controls/MiddlePage.ascx (embedded in Main.aspx) for loading an image. When an image has been uploaded successfully, I want to close popup automatically and want to carry image details to Main.aspx page automatically. How can I do this?
Can you help me please?
Thank you.
In the popup in the postback after the file has been successfully uploaded render the following js code that should close it
<body onload="window.close();">
If you want to return a value to the parent page, you can add an input control that can be hidden and set its value from popup before it will be closed
<script type="text/javascript">
function closeme()
<body onload="closeme();">
where InputImageName is a control on parent page
<input type="text" id="InputImageName" />
and ImageName is a server variable that you define in the code behind during upload.
To refresh parent window, you can use reload() or specify new url for window.opener.location. Example:
window.opener.document.location.href = url;